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Environmental Products

As demands on Earths previous resources continues to increase mankind is challenged to look at sustainable ways in which to increase efficiencies and better utilise its resources. Humans are infinitely innovative and often solutions come when the pressure is on. Nutrient capture, reuse and efficient use of all nutrients is high on the agenda, there is no point buying expensive fertiliser and loosing half of it to the beyond the root zone or the air.

Water is a key ingredient on any food and fibre production system, but apart from being the H20 component, water also acts as a carrier for nutrients and agri chemicals, various technologies exist to get maximise the amounts used and the effectiveness of the systems delivering this.Feed efficiencies, soil preservation and animal well being are all interlinked, nothing works as a stand alone, the future is exciting.

In this environmental category TechniPharm make farming ezy leads the industry with the following systems.
1) Dungbuster® auto yard cleaning systems for dairy yards, clean and green wash over 25.000 meters of yard washing systems in use.
2) Ecobag ™ and Flexitank R ™ enclosed systems are the way of the future for effluent storage that means no greenhouse gasses and N lost to the atmosphere, for water storage it means clean water at all times and no evaporation. (ideal for orchids and vineyards)
3) Magnation, various applications to get better distribution and composition of water in irrigation or spray irrigation lead to better results. Do more with less. Water and power savings and cleaner infrastructure.
4) Effluent irrigation systems and components for delivery and distribution from storage to paddock, get those nutrients working.
5) Dairy and Beef housing, off pasture system do have a future role in NZ pasture production systems, avoid mud, capture nutrients, save feed and improve animal production and well being outcomes.

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Environmental Categories

Storage Bladders: Effluent Storage and Nutrient  management Solutions

Storage Bladders: Effluent Storage and Nutrient management Solutions

Variable Effluent  Irrigation Systems

Variable Effluent Irrigation Systems

Fixed effluent Irrigation, design, systems @ equipment.

Fixed effluent Irrigation, design, systems @ equipment.

Dairy Housing

Dairy Housing

Diluted or Undiluted Effluent Distribution Tankers

Diluted or Undiluted Effluent Distribution Tankers

BIOGAS Generation

BIOGAS Generation

Magnation of water to create Rainlike water

Magnation of water to create Rainlike water

Energy Savings Through Magnation

Energy Savings Through Magnation

Spray Drift Control, Reduce Chemical Use And Cost

Spray Drift Control, Reduce Chemical Use And Cost

Home water treatment

Home water treatment

Nutrient Capture and Recovery System

Nutrient capture and recovery system flow

Dungbuster® Yard Washing System

Savings Calculator