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Pregnancy Detection systems

TechiPharm offers you two systems, Ultra Doppler on farm units and the Ultra Sound vet or professional use equipment.

Preg testing provides information upon which you can make management choices... the sooner you know the better.. "is she pregnant or not" ?

Smartscan(tm) Diagnostic 3000
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Smartscan™ Diagnostic 3000

Ultrasound Real Time Scanning done smarter..for the Field Veterinarian or professional who likes to be fully mobile. Its revolutionary video display headset alllows the practioner to scan in bright sunlight with minimal effect on image quality

NZ Award Winner National Fieldays 2003

Pregnancy Testers
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Pregnancy Testers

Test for pregnancy with SmartScan, this ultra Doppler sound system is similar to what is used in hospitals. Easy to use and ideal for the owner users. Test when it suits you, a few cows a day or the lot the choice is yours. Cows bulling during the dry period? Check what is going on and know for sure.