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Triband Green™ Bloodless Castrating

Triband Green(tm) Bloodless Castrating
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Triband Green™ Bloodless Castrating

Tri Band Green™

Triband Green™ bloodless castrating. Exclusive to you from TechniPharm® TRIBAND GREEN™ is a Castrator for castrating animals up to 180 KG. Using a Triband Green™ means you get better growth out of calves, more meat for less work! In the end we all want as many kilos of beef per 4 hoofs right? If you castrate early you are cutting out testosterone, the growth promoter. Calves are born with this wonderful hormone so why cut it out early! Triband Green™ is humane and affordable and the best thing is it adds dollars to your bottom line and keeps you safe...no OSH risks in cutting your fingers with those nasty pocket knives or scalpels.

$149.00AUD + GST
Part No. EZTRB